This website serves to present and contact theAgency NuDemand and to the agency partners such as the Brazilian partner agencyNudep.
NuDemand works regionally, supraregionally, nationally, transnationally and internationally primarily with research and digital/technological transformations of the working world(s).
The basic values of this work are the comprehensibility of the knowledge generated, the participation of the people and organizations involved and the strong orientation towards the realization of realistic goals within appropriate time frames.
The agency researches & advises partners primarily in the area of risk evaluation, due diligence and the associated knowledge production in compliance with regulations in many areas.
NuDemand implements transformations in many areas and presents their results in many formats.
From here, a list of ways to work with NuDemand based on possible problem scenarios for many individuals, businesses and organizations today:
I need help with....
Finding & contextualizing information on futurestakeholders and/or partnersin business or other sorts of ventures:
In case you have not done this already, ask yourself to what extent you think this future partner can add value to your endeavor.
After giving your good guess to this answer, contact us for a moresolid research-based & systematized knowledge transfer package.
We simplify knowledge, give properly informed second guesses & minimize risk.
Keeping up with the pace of a certain regulatory field:
Blockchain?Web3?Financial regulation in country or entity x, y, z?
International business makingwith partners and/or clients from European Union countries, North American, and Latin American countries?
Roll out business operations innewly established techscientific fields?
Adapting your daily organization life to working digitallyand keeping up with the pace of new work, so that you still can deliver value and fruitful results to clients, partners, and society?
easingknowledge presentationo on andcompliancewithESG directives?
SME/SMEdigital transformations?
Advise work onFCPA, AML4, AML/CFT/CFP/FCP,and compliance with FATF standards in general?
Compliant withGDPR or LGPD?
counting onan agency to keep its eyes open above an ever-changing world so that you can focus on delivering value on what you know and can do?
We know a thing or two about such topics. We have rolled up our sleeves and have results to show as well. Drop us a line or two.We might be able to offload a great burden of work to your business or organization.
Assembling together the properprofessionalsfor one or more tech, non-tech, and/or hybrid team(s):
It is hard to keep up with the pace of an increasingly interconnected world.
However, there are people out there specialized and with a proven record of expertise in regulation and assembling talents from different parts of the world.
NuDemand hasIn-House expertise with European Union, United States, Canada, and Latin American recruiting, relocating, attracting, and integrating professionalsof various talents into teams and organizations of different kinds.
Keeping up with the pace of a certain regulatory field:
Blockchain?Web3?Financial regulation in country or entity x, y, z?
International business makingwith partners and/or clients from European Union countries, North American, and Latin American countries?
Roll out business operations innewly established techscientific fields?
Adapting your daily organization life to working digitallyand keeping up with the pace of new work, so that you still can deliver value and fruitful results to clients, partners, and society?
easingknowledge presentationo on andcompliancewithESG directives?
SME/SMEdigital transformations?
Advise work onFCPA, AML4, AML/CFT/CFP/FCP,and compliance with FATF standards in general?
Compliant withGDPR or LGPD?
counting onan agency to keep its eyes open above an ever-changing world so that you can focus on delivering value on what you know and can do?
We know a thing or two about such topics. We have rolled up our sleeves and have results to show as well. Drop us a line or two.We might be able to offload a great burden of work to your business or organization.

Grow Your Vision
What is our understanding of DD?
Due diligence.
Decision-makers need solid groundwork done and transparently presented.
Good research lays the groundwork for fundamental decision-making.
This is our understanding of due diligence.
It's simple. It's basic.
It is of utmost relevance to minimize risk.
Best practices in good governance include due diligence work.
Best practices are in constant update.
Count on NuDemand to deliver the groundwork.
Count on NuDemand to advise you during processes within the realms of state-of-the-art transnationally research-based technological and sociological Risk Assessment & Organizational change.

Welcome to the Peer-to-Peer Mentoring Club.
NuDemand offers the “registration” service online.
This service includes the following services:
Creation of a customer account on the NuDemand website.
Enter the required data for registration, verify the data through NuDemand.
Transmission of the registration to the responsible office, tracking of the processing status of the registration.
After successful payment, the customer receives access to the one-to-one peer-to-peer mentoring club, where knowledge about value creation in the broker job is exchanged.
In the club we connect the dots, uncover and evaluate entanglements and design networks.
We create clarity from diffuse shapes and give shape to silhouettes that lie hidden.
We connect minds with knowledge, translate symbols into value, convert value into money and thus make money and more money.
We create trust, sell, distribute and organize.
We trust, delegate and gather strength.